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Anna Martin
Oct 11, 20242 min read
Ask Anna - "I'm brand new to resistance training, where should I start?"
"Dear Anna, I am brand new to resistance training, where should I start?"  First up, congratulations on deciding to increase your...
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Anna Martin
Apr 29, 20243 min read
Ask Anna - "I just can't find the motivation"
"Dear Anna, I’ve been training with you for a while but I’m struggling to workout in my own sessions. It’s not time related, I have the time
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Anna Martin
Apr 27, 20222 min read
Getting moving again after lockdown
Yeah, it’s been a WEIRD time…. We’re celebrating having our freedom back and we are relishing in the opportunity to build a lifestyle...
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Anna Martin
Mar 30, 20222 min read
Some days you feel great and you perform even better. Some days you feel great and you don’t perform at all. Some days you feel meh and...
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Anna Martin
Mar 7, 20222 min read
The sun is out.... and our motivation is up. We want to feel good, more energetic and do some of the things we have been putting off for...
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Anna Martin
Mar 3, 20223 min read
How many times have you said to yourself, 'I won't be able to do that?'
A lot probably. I hear it all the time when I’m training people. And to a point it’s sensible. We avoid harming ourselves physically by...
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Anna Martin
Jul 25, 20215 min read
Struggling to like your own body? Read this....
Just in the last few weeks alone I heard the following sentences come from my lovely, strong, gorgeous clients’ mouths: - I’m too old to...
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Anna Martin
Nov 21, 20196 min read
5 Reasons why you 'have no willpower'
Folks say this to me all the time.... "I was going to come, I've just got no willpower"... "I started the week off eating well, but by...
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Anna Martin
Jul 8, 20194 min read
No More Excuses - Nutritional Mindset
Yup, I'm sure you expecting me to berate you for not being gods and goddesses of all things nutritional. And yes, it would be a lot...
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Anna Martin
Jun 23, 20194 min read
Moving on in your fitness journey
Fitness is basically like life - one long journey where different things fit us at different times... and as we learn more about...
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Anna Martin
May 19, 20191 min read
Get your home workout on!
I know a lot of people do not have time to make it to all the classes they wish they could! So here is a little home workout action for...
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Anna Martin
May 14, 20192 min read
Why do we ache after exercise?
Whilst some of us thrive on those post exercise muscle aches, for a lot of people, the thought of that feeling is enough to fill them...
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Anna Martin
Apr 19, 20192 min read
Top 5 things to do to get the body you want
1. Lift stuff Whether it's a child, dumbbells or your own bodyweight, resistance training is where it's at. Gone are the days where we...
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Anna Martin
Apr 13, 20193 min read
Why having a peachy ass is about more than wearing a thong on the beach
It's the trend... once upon a time, the world was going nuts for the boob job. Now it's all about that bass, that bass, no treble. The...
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Anna Martin
Apr 9, 20195 min read
5 Reasons Why People Don't Lift Weights
It's true though right, no matter how much press there is and how many times people tell us, it can be really hard to get our head around...
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Anna Martin
May 30, 20182 min read
AMF Stories - Teresa
I’m Teresa, I’m 42 and here’s my fitness story, at school i didn’t mind p.e although I hated team sports so would never put any effort...
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Anna Martin
May 21, 20182 min read
AMF Stories - Pam (My lovely Mum!)
Now and again newcomers ask me if I have always been fit. Well the answer to that is a definite NO! I started thinking about getting fit...
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Anna Martin
May 8, 20182 min read
The Truth About Gaining Muscle
Here is the honest truth. There are three states that your body can be in with regard to it's muscle mass: A. losing muscle B....
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